Pretty in Santa Monica

When I was the “fittest” and the “prettiest,” people shamed me for being “fit” and “pretty.”

And I? Well, I was ashamed of myself. 
People would grab my arm and squeeze my biceps and want to touch my body as if I wasn’t a real person. Without asking, they would grab and squeeze me as hard as they could. 
Ouch! That hurts!  

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Vision and Clarity

Alice: What road do I take?

Cheshire Cat: Well, where are you going?

Alice: I don’t know.

Cheshire Cat: Then it doesn’t matter. If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.

This cat always speaks the truth! How do you know where you’re going if you don’t have a destination in mind? That is why clarity and vision are key! One can wander throughout life and follow a path, but where will that path lead? Some people operate very well without a destination in mind, but knowing myself and how I operate, I don’t!  I need structure, a defined plan and end goal.

As I sit here eating my cinnamon raisin peanut butter rice cakes and herb encrusted chicken, I have to admit that I was that girl! I was Alice.  I didn’t know where I was going. And I didn’t like it, haha. Yes, I have my competitions, but I didn’t have a current plan and end goal in mind.

For the past few months, I have been wandering the isles of Whole Foods, Albertsons, Ralphs  and even CVS staring and then eating (or indulging rather) in food. I use the term “food” quite loosely actually because I’m specifically referring to processed foods:  cupcakes, carrot cakes, and cookies (oh my!).   Some people call it a transition, some people call it “going with the food flow,” and others call it “living the life!”  It’s been some kind of life, that’s for sure, a life without a plan and without vision.  I was freeee! Haha, correction-free falling.  I was in my first off-season ever or almost “no-season,” aimlessly wandering without a goal and a plan I was lacking that clarity and vision. And honestly, I didn’t like it.  I didn’t have a specific goal and I wasn’t following a S.M.A.R.T plan.  

My general goal was to grow my glutes and shoulders, putting on size, rounding out my ruler shaped physique.  I needed a little more umph, pizazz, that certain “je ne sais quoi”  that would make me stand out over my fellow gorgeous competitors on and off the national stage, and in life.   So, thinking that adding more food (the wrong kinds of food, the unhealthy processed foods) would be the perfect solution, I ate.

Although I enjoyed eating, I wasn’t getting closer to my ultimate goal by eating these foods, and I didn’t even know what that goal was. Seventy percent of your abs are made and the kitchen and those ingredients didn’t consist of cake!  So, this morning I spoke with my coach, Kim, and we created…wait for it…wait for it…a plan!  I was ELATED!

As I jump for joy, I am happy to announce that in Januaury 2014, I will start my 12 week competition diet for my show in March!  Operation Procard has officially begun.  Good bye Maggie Alice in Wander-land Lane (pun in tended) and hello Clean Eating, Happy and Healthy Camper,  Maggie Lane.

Now finishing my rice cakes and cinnamon raisin peanut butter, I look at today’s date, November 18th, 2013.  Wow, this year a flown by; however, I have one and a half months to enjoy the holidays and eat, but eat clean! I will refocus, reshape, refuel and refresh my mind, body and spirit! I now have clarity and vision, the S.M.A.R.T. keys to success specifically designed for me! And if I happen to run into the Cheshire Cat now, I would know exactly what to tell him and how to answer.  I can happily say that I am finally coming into my own, growing up and getting to know that a structured, S.M.A.R.T. and planned fit lifestyle works for me.

Take the time to get to know you and your goals, wants, wishes and heart’s desires so that if ever presented with a fork in the road, a divide in your path, you will know which way and where to go.  Remember, vision and clarity are key!

Los Angeles Championships 2013

Los Angeles Championships 2013

Los Angeles, California

1st Place Winner Class E

I did it! I won the LA. I had an amazing experience at the LA this year. It truly was an honor to be with my NPC fitness friends and family.

Competitions are my way of creating S.M.A.R.T. goals.


When writing your goals, keep the S.M.A.R.T. acronym at the forefront of your mind. This simplifies the process and Keeps It Simple Silly (KISS), another wonderful acronym to help you achieve your goals!

So, with S.M.A.R.T., ask yourself if the goal:

S: Specific. Be as specific as possible! This provides clarity. With clarity, comes simplicity. Simplifying the process, makes it easier to achieve your goal!

M: Measurable. Is it measurable? Can you break it down into simple and smaller steps to achieve it? This will make the goal appear more attainable!

A: Attainable.  Can you see yourself achieving this goal? Is it possible? Creating the next logical step, simplifies the process even further, bringing you closer to your end goal.

R: Realistic. Are your expectations of yourself realistic? Are you being truthful with yourself?

T: Timely. Give yourself a specific time frame to achieve the goal, one that is reasonable and realistic.

These are the necessary steps I took towards winning the LA, and it worked!

If I did it, YOU can do it too!  By breaking your goals down into these five simple steps, anything is possible! And your perception is your reality. If you perceive it to be true, then it must be. Remember, you are in control of your thoughts, actions, and results! So why not KISS you doubts goodbye, and take the SMART actions towards achieving your goals, making them a reality!